Inner Peace Exhibition


Making art is an escape that leaves me lost for a while, helps me to step back far enough to re-discover myself. The vibrant nature of the alcohol ink brings life, energy, and emotion to my foundation. When I create I enter into a zone of intuition. A happy auto pilot so to speak. My happy conscience is best interpreted in my new painting titled Inner Peace. Two blue fish-like figures swirling around each other over a calm blue traverse.


"Ricky’s inaugural solo exhibit was a monumental success, and the hundreds of viewers were so taken by his artistic expression that his artwork was flying off the wall, as he achieved unprecedented sales, nearly one half of the pieces on display during opening night, a remarkable feat for a first time exhibitor. “What a testament to the appeal and talent of this young artist,” commented Celeste Lawson, poet, arts supporter and former director of the region’s Arts Council, “It is truly an astonishing and admirable accomplishment for Ricky to have compelled so many people to want to have his work in their homes or offices. This exhibit is a wonderful indicator that he may be a rising star, and his creations on the road to becoming highly desired and sought after pieces of new, contemporary art.”

"“Richard has an ability to link external emotions to his distinctive internal technique,” stated Gabriel Bialkowski, President of Sensu Music, and long time friend of Runfola. “It is not shocking that his artwork would have such broad and diverse appeal.”"

Please go check out my Buffalo Rising Article following this exhibition at Buffalo Big Print on 78 Allen in Buffalo, NY.


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Have an amazing day!

Warm Regards,


Richard Runfola